Economy |
经济 |
Macroeconomic Research |
宏观经济研究 |
Research, exchange, and cooperation on economic and social development |
经济社会发展研究、交流与合作 |
National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Finance, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
国家发展改革委、商务部、财政部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Economy |
经济 |
Macroeconomic Research |
宏观经济研究 |
Assessment and prediction of economic operations |
经济运行情况评估及预测 |
National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Finance, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
国家发展改革委、商务部、财政部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Economy |
经济 |
Macroeconomic Research |
宏观经济研究 |
Research, exchange, and cooperation on industry regulation |
行业规范研究、交流与合作 |
National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Finance, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
国家发展改革委、商务部、财政部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Economy |
经济 |
Macroeconomic Research |
宏观经济研究 |
Research, exchange and cooperation, economic policy decision, implementation, supervision, and other general topics |
经济政策决策、执行、监督等通用课题研究、交流与合作 |
National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Finance, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
国家发展改革委、商务部、财政部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Economy |
经济 |
Economic and Trade Exchanges and Investment Cooperation |
经贸交流与投资合作 |
Business contacts, product introduction, market research, policy consulting, personnel training, and technical exchange |
业务联络、产品介绍、市场调研、政策咨询、人才培训、技术交流 |
Ministry of Commerce, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level governments or organizations |
商务部及省级人民政府主管部门、中国国际贸易促进委员会及省级贸易促进机构 |
Economy |
经济 |
Economic and Trade Exchanges and Investment Cooperation |
经贸交流与投资合作 |
Bilateral and multi-lateral mechanisms for industrial and commercial cooperation, international trade organization activities and training; cooperation, exchange, and training related to the exhibition industry |
多双边工商合作机制、经贸类国际组织相关活动及培训;会展业国际合作、交流与培训 |
Ministry of Commerce, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level governments or organizations |
商务部及省级人民政府主管部门、中国国际贸易促进委员会及省级贸易促进机构 |
Economy |
经济 |
Research, Exchange, and Cooperation on Finance, Taxation, and Other Such Areas |
金融、财税等研究、交流与合作 |
Research, exchange, and cooperation in financial theory; research, exchange, and cooperation on financial theory involving banking financial institutions and other financial institutions |
金融理论研究、交流与合作;涉及银行业金融机构以及其他金融机构的金融理论研究、交流与合作 |
People's Bank of China, Ministry of Finance, China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, China Securities Regulatory Commission, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
中国人民银行、财政部、中国银保监会、中国证监会及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Economy |
经济 |
Research, Exchange, and Cooperation on Finance, Taxation, and Other Such Areas |
金融、财税等研究、交流与合作 |
Research, exchange, and cooperation on international accounting and auditing theory |
国际会计审计理论研究、交流与合作 |
Ministry of Finance, National Audit Office, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
财政部、审计署及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Economy |
经济 |
Research, Exchange, and Cooperation on Finance, Taxation, and Other Such Areas |
金融、财税等研究、交流与合作 |
Research, exchange, and cooperation on international tax theory |
国际财税理论研究、交流与合作 |
Ministry of Finance, State Administration of Taxation, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
财政部、国家税务总局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Economy |
经济 |
Research, Exchange, and Cooperation on Finance, Taxation, and Other Such Areas |
金融、财税等研究、交流与合作 |
Research, exchange, and cooperation on international statistical theory |
国际统计理论研究、交流与合作 |
National Bureau of Statistics, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
国家统计局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Economy |
经济 |
Industry and Informatization |
工业和信息化 |
Research, exchange, and cooperation related to industry and informatization |
工业和信息化领域有关研究、交流与合作 |
Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Cyberspace Administration of China, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
工业和信息化部、国家互联网信息办公室及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Economy |
经济 |
Industry and Informatization |
工业和信息化 |
Research, exchange, and cooperation related to industry and informatization |
工业和信息化领域有关研究、交流与合作 |
Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Cyberspace Administration of China, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
工业和信息化部、国家互联网信息办公室及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Economy |
经济 |
Agriculture |
农业 |
Cooperation on rural public interest projects |
农村公益性工程项目合作 |
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
农业农村部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Economy |
经济 |
Agriculture |
农业 |
Guidance on experiments in spreading agricultural technology and skills training |
农业技术推广试验及技能培养指导 |
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
农业农村部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Economy |
经济 |
Agriculture |
农业 |
Foodstuffs policy, information, technology, market development, trade, training, exchange, and cooperation |
粮食政策、信息、技术、市场开发、贸易、培训、交流与合作 |
National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
国家粮食和物资储备局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Economy |
经济 |
Energy |
能源 |
Research, exchange, and cooperation on international energy planning, policy, technology, standards, and oversight |
国际能源能效规划、政策、技术、标准、监管研究、交流与合作 |
National Development and Reform Commission, National Energy Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
国家发展改革委、国家能源局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Economy |
经济 |
Water Resources |
水利 |
Water resources protection and water and soil conservation |
水资源保护与水土保持 |
Ministry of Water Resources, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
水利部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Economy |
经济 |
Water Resources |
水利 |
Construction and management of reservoirs and dams |
水库大坝工程建设与管理 |
Ministry of Water Resources, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
水利部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Economy |
经济 |
Water Resources |
水利 |
Hydrological surveys, monitoring and forecasting |
水文调查、监测与预报 |
Ministry of Water Resources, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
水利部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Economy |
经济 |
Water Resources |
水利 |
Integrated watershed management |
流域综合管理 |
Ministry of Water Resources, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
水利部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Economy |
经济 |
Transportation |
交通 |
Research, exchange, and cooperation on administration of urban public transport |
城市公共交通管理研究、交流与合作 |
Ministry of Transport, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
交通运输部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Economy |
经济 |
Civil Aviation |
民用航空 |
Exchange and cooperation related to civil aviation |
民航领域交流与合作 |
Civil Aviation Administration of China |
中国民用航空局 |
Economy |
经济 |
Housing and Urban-Rural Construction |
住房城乡建设 |
Research, exchange, and cooperation on housing and urban and rural construction management |
住房城乡建设管理的理论研究、交流与合作 |
Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
住房城乡建设部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Economy |
经济 |
Natural Resources |
自然资源 |
Research, exchange, and cooperation on littoral zone planning and coastal planning theory |
海岸带规划、海洋规划的理论研究、合作与交流 |
Ministry of Natural Resources, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
自然资源部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Economy |
经济 |
Natural Resources |
自然资源 |
Exchange and cooperation on geographical information |
地理信息领域的合作与交流 |
Ministry of Natural Resources, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
自然资源部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Economy |
经济 |
Natural Resources |
自然资源 |
Exchange and cooperation on survey and mapping policy and technology |
测绘政策、技术交流与合作 |
Ministry of Natural Resources, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
自然资源部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Economy |
经济 |
Market Regulation |
市场监管 |
Evaluation, research, exchange, and cooperation on anti-monopoly, anti-unfair competitive practices, fair competition inspections |
反垄断、反不正当竞争和公平竞争审查政策评估、研究、交流与合作 |
State Administration for Market Regulation, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
国家市场监督管理总局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Economy |
经济 |
Market Regulation |
市场监管 |
Research, exchange, and cooperation related to theories on cracking down on infringement and counterfeits |
打击侵权假冒理论研究、交流和合作 |
State Administration for Market Regulation, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
国家市场监督管理总局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Economy |
经济 |
Market Regulation |
市场监管 |
Exchange and cooperation related to quality and safety policy for manufactured and consumer goods; research, exchange, and cooperation on policy related to safety and supervision of specialized facilities |
工业品和消费品质量安全政策和合作交流,特种设备安全监管政策研究与合作交流 |
State Administration for Market Regulation, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
国家市场监督管理总局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Economy |
经济 |
Intellectual Property |
知识产权 |
Research, exchange, and cooperation on international intellectual property theory |
国际知识产权理论研究、交流与合作 |
State Intellectual Property Office, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
国家知识产权局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Economy |
经济 |
Other |
其他 |
Exchange and cooperation on conflict diamonds and conflict mining production |
冲突钻石和冲突矿产交流与合作 |
General Administration of Customs |
海关总署 |
Economy |
经济 |
Other |
其他 |
Research, exchange, and cooperation on express courier services |
快递服务研究、交流与合作 |
State Post Bureau, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
国家邮政局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Economy |
经济 |
Other |
其他 |
Research, exchange, and cooperation on production safety |
安全生产研究、交流与合作 |
Ministry of Emergency Management, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
应急管理部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Education |
教育 |
Basic Education |
基础教育 |
Improvement and implementation of policies on assisted education |
助力教育政策的完善与实施 |
Ministry of Education, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
教育部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Education |
教育 |
Basic Education |
基础教育 |
Donation activities to improve school teaching conditions or fund students from homes with economic challenges |
改善学校办学条件或资助家庭经济困难学生的捐资助学活动 |
Ministry of Education, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
教育部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Education |
教育 |
Basic Education |
基础教育 |
Support for regions and schools to develop educational activities outside the school, and innovative educational activities |
支持地区和学校开展校外教育和创新教育活动 |
Ministry of Education, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
教育部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Education |
教育 |
Basic Education |
基础教育 |
Support for capacity building for teachers and education administrators |
支持教师和教育管理人员能力建设 |
Ministry of Education, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
教育部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Education |
教育 |
Basic Education |
基础教育 |
Assist regions and schools to enrich the form and content of cultural exchanges between China and other nations |
配合地区和学校丰富中外人文交流形式和内容 |
Ministry of Education, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
教育部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Education |
教育 |
Basic Education |
基础教育 |
Assist regions and schools in educational activities developing or expanding students' international perspectives |
配合地区和学校开展拓展学生国际视野的教育活动 |
Ministry of Education, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
教育部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Education |
教育 |
Basic Education |
基础教育 |
Assisting regions' or schools' implementation of informationalized construction |
配合地区和学校实施教育信息化建设 |
Ministry of Education, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
教育部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Education |
教育 |
Vocational Education and Continuing Education |
职业教育和继续教育 |
Support for implementation of school-enterprise cooperation |
支持开展校企合作 |
Ministry of Education, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, Ministry of Science and Technology, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
教育部、人力资源社会保障部、科技部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Education |
教育 |
Vocational Education and Continuing Education |
职业教育和继续教育 |
Assisting regions' and schools' improvement of the quality of personnel training |
协助地区和学校提升人才培养质量 |
Ministry of Education, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, Ministry of Science and Technology, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
教育部、人力资源社会保障部、科技部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Education |
教育 |
Vocational Education and Continuing Education |
职业教育和继续教育 |
Assisting regions' or schools' implementation of informationalized construction |
配合地区和学校实施教育信息化建设 |
Ministry of Education, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, Ministry of Science and Technology, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
教育部、人力资源社会保障部、科技部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Education |
教育 |
Vocational Education and Continuing Education |
职业教育和继续教育 |
Assisting regions or schools in enriching the form and content of exchange with China and other nations |
配合地区和学校丰富中外人文交流的形式和内容 |
Ministry of Education, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, Ministry of Science and Technology, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
教育部、人力资源社会保障部、科技部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Education |
教育 |
Vocational Education and Continuing Education |
职业教育和继续教育 |
Cooperative policy research |
合作开展相关政策研究 |
Ministry of Education, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, Ministry of Science and Technology, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
教育部、人力资源社会保障部、科技部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Education |
教育 |
Vocational Education and Continuing Education |
职业教育和继续教育 |
Support for capacity building for teachers and education administrators |
支持教师和教育管理人员能力建设 |
Ministry of Education, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, Ministry of Science and Technology, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
教育部、人力资源社会保障部、科技部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Education |
教育 |
Higher Education |
高等教育 |
Assisting regions and schools enrich the form and content of cultural exchanges between China and other nations |
配合地区和学校丰富中外人文交流形式和内容 |
Ministry of Education, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
教育部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Education |
教育 |
Higher Education |
高等教育 |
Promoting the expansion of Sino-foreign people-to-people exchanges (not including college and university expert exchanges) |
推动扩大中外人员交流(不含高校专家交流) |
Ministry of Education, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
教育部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Education |
教育 |
Higher Education |
高等教育 |
Boosting foreign study exchange between China and the world, in both directions |
助推中外双向留学 |
Ministry of Education, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
教育部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Education |
教育 |
Higher Education |
高等教育 |
Supporting regions and schools of higher learning in improving the quality of higher education |
支持地区和高校提升高等教育质量 |
Ministry of Education, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
教育部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Education |
教育 |
Higher Education |
高等教育 |
Cooperative launching of academic exchange activities |
合作开展学术交流活动 |
Ministry of Education, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
教育部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Education |
教育 |
Higher Education |
高等教育 |
Carrying out joint research projects |
开展联合研究项目 |
Ministry of Education, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
教育部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Education |
教育 |
Higher Education |
高等教育 |
Assisting regions or schools of higher learning to carry out cooperative exchanges with One Belt, One Road nations |
助力地区和高校开展与“一带一路”沿线国家的合作交流 |
Ministry of Education, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
教育部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Education |
教育 |
Higher Education |
高等教育 |
Supporting schools of higher learning in establishing mechanisms for credit exchanging and mutually recognizing academic credits |
支持高校探索和建立学分转换和互认机制 |
Ministry of Education, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
教育部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Education |
教育 |
Higher Education |
高等教育 |
Cooperate with schools of higher learning in organizing educational practicum activities |
配合高校组织实践教学活动 |
Ministry of Education, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
教育部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Education |
教育 |
Other |
其他 |
Research and consulting on public education, education law, and education policy; education legal services |
公共教育、教育法律、教育政策研究与咨询及教育法律服务 |
Ministry of Education, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
教育部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Education |
教育 |
Other |
其他 |
Maintenance of public education infrastructure |
公共教育基础设施维护 |
Ministry of Education, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
教育部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Education |
教育 |
Other |
其他 |
Exchange on successes in public education |
公共教育成果交流 |
Ministry of Education, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
教育部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Education |
教育 |
Other |
其他 |
Exchange and cooperation on international educational testing |
国际教育考试及合作交流 |
Ministry of Education, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
教育部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Education |
教育 |
Other |
其他 |
Exchange and cooperation on international vocational qualification examinations |
国际职业资格认证考试及交流合作 |
Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Science and Technology, China Association for Science and Technology, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments and provincial-level
organizations |
人力资源社会保障部、教育部、科技部、中国科学技术协会及省级人民政府主管部门和单位 |
Education |
教育 |
Other |
其他 |
Mutual international recognition of engineering education and engineering credentials |
工程教育、工程师资格国际互认 |
Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Science and Technology, China Association for Science and Technology, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments and provincial-level
organizations |
人力资源社会保障部、教育部、科技部、中国科学技术协会及省级人民政府主管部门和单位 |
Education |
教育 |
Other |
其他 |
Continuing education activities for professional and technical personnel |
专业技术人员继续教育活动 |
Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Science and Technology, China Association for Science and Technology, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments and provincial-level
organizations |
人力资源社会保障部、教育部、科技部、中国科学技术协会及省级人民政府主管部门和单位 |
Education |
教育 |
Other |
其他 |
Recommending or dispatching foreign professionals to domestic educational institutions |
向境内教育机构推荐、派遣外国专业人才 |
Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Science and Technology, China Association for Science and Technology, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments and provincial-level
organizations |
人力资源社会保障部、教育部、科技部、中国科学技术协会及省级人民政府主管部门和单位 |
Education |
教育 |
Other |
其他 |
Postdoctoral exchange and cooperation |
博士后交流与合作 |
Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Science and Technology, China Association for Science and Technology, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments and provincial-level
organizations |
人力资源社会保障部、教育部、科技部、中国科学技术协会及省级人民政府主管部门和单位 |
Science and Technology |
科技 |
Basic research projects |
基础研究项目 |
Ministry of Science and Technology, China Association for Science and Technology, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments and provincial-level organizations |
科技部、中国科学技术协会及省级人民政府主管部门和单位 |
Science and Technology |
科技 |
High-tech projects |
高新技术项目 |
Ministry of Science and Technology, China Association for Science and Technology, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments and provincial-level organizations |
科技部、中国科学技术协会及省级人民政府主管部门和单位 |
Science and Technology |
科技 |
Social development science and technology projects |
社会发展科技项目 |
Ministry of Science and Technology, China Association for Science and Technology, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments and provincial-level organizations |
科技部、中国科学技术协会及省级人民政府主管部门和单位 |
Science and Technology |
科技 |
Rural science and technology projects |
农村科技项目 |
Ministry of Science and Technology, China Association for Science and Technology, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments and provincial-level organizations |
科技部、中国科学技术协会及省级人民政府主管部门和单位 |
Science and Technology |
科技 |
Research on public science and technology services theory |
公共科技服务理论研究 |
Ministry of Science and Technology, China Association for Science and Technology, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments and provincial-level organizations |
科技部、中国科学技术协会及省级人民政府主管部门和单位 |
Science and Technology |
科技 |
Building citizens' scientific caliber |
公民科学素质建设 |
Ministry of Science and Technology, China Association for Science and Technology, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments and provincial-level organizations |
科技部、中国科学技术协会及省级人民政府主管部门和单位 |
Science and Technology |
科技 |
Establishment of platforms for science and technology |
科技服务平台建设 |
Ministry of Science and Technology, China Association for Science and Technology, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments and provincial-level organizations |
科技部、中国科学技术协会及省级人民政府主管部门和单位 |
Science and Technology |
科技 |
Research on science and technology innovation; research and publicity services on science and technology development trends |
科技创新政策研究、科技发展趋势研究、宣传服务 |
Ministry of Science and Technology, China Association for Science and Technology, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments and provincial-level organizations |
科技部、中国科学技术协会及省级人民政府主管部门和单位 |
Science and Technology |
科技 |
Development of technical innovations and spreading of successes |
科技创新发展及成果推广 |
Ministry of Science and Technology, China Association for Science and Technology, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments and provincial-level organizations |
科技部、中国科学技术协会及省级人民政府主管部门和单位 |
Science and Technology |
科技 |
Research on innovating and driving forward sustainable development |
创新驱动可持续发展研究 |
Ministry of Science and Technology, China Association for Science and Technology, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments and provincial-level organizations |
科技部、中国科学技术协会及省级人民政府主管部门和单位 |
Science and Technology |
科技 |
Personnel retraining in basic sciences |
基础性科学人才再培训 |
Ministry of Science and Technology, China Association for Science and Technology, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments and provincial-level organizations |
科技部、中国科学技术协会及省级人民政府主管部门和单位 |
Science and Technology |
科技 |
Exchange and cooperation in science and technology |
科学技术交流与合作 |
Ministry of Science and Technology, China Association for Science and Technology, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments and provincial-level organizations |
科技部、中国科学技术协会及省级人民政府主管部门和单位 |
Science and Technology |
科技 |
Popularization of science and technology |
科学技术知识的普及 |
Ministry of Science and Technology, China Association for Science and Technology, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments and provincial-level organizations |
科技部、中国科学技术协会及省级人民政府主管部门和单位 |
Science and Technology |
科技 |
Training for science and technology innovation management and services |
科技创新管理与服务人才培训 |
Ministry of Science and Technology, China Association for Science and Technology, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments and provincial-level organizations |
科技部、中国科学技术协会及省级人民政府主管部门和单位 |
Science and Technology |
科技 |
Community science and tecnology awards |
社会科技奖励 |
Ministry of Science and Technology, China Association for Science and Technology, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments and provincial-level organizations |
科技部、中国科学技术协会及省级人民政府主管部门和单位 |
Science and Technology |
科技 |
Research, consultation services, publicity, and education on foreign talent development programs, laws, regulations, and policies |
引进外国人才发展规划、法律法规、政策研究、咨询服务、宣传教育 |
Ministry of Science and Technology, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
科技部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Science and Technology |
科技 |
Exchange and cooperation on the introduction of foreign talent and intellectual resources and the promotion of related results and achievements |
引进外国人才与智力交流合作及成果推广 |
Ministry of Science and Technology, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
科技部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Science and Technology |
科技 |
Exchange and cooperation on business training abroad and the promotion of related results and achievements |
因公出国(境)培训项目交流合作及成果推广 |
Ministry of Science and Technology, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
科技部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Science and Technology |
科技 |
Exchange and cooperation on the introduction of advanced information systems and the promotion of related results and achievements |
引进国外先进知识体系项目合作交流及成果推广 |
Ministry of Science and Technology, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
科技部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Science and Technology |
科技 |
Quality Standards |
质量基础 |
Research, exchange, and cooperation relating to quality, standards, measurements, authentication, approval, evaluation, statistics, and investigation |
质量、标准、计量、认证认可评估、统计、调查、研究、交流与合作 |
State Administration for Market Regulation, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
国家市场监督管理总局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Culture |
文化 |
Culture, Art, and Tourism |
文化艺术和旅游 |
Cultural and artistic creations and performances |
文化艺术创作与表演 |
Ministry of Culture and Tourism, State Administration of Cultural Heritage, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
文化和旅游部、国家文物局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Culture |
文化 |
Culture, Art, and Tourism |
文化艺术和旅游 |
Culture and arts education and training |
文化艺术教育和培训 |
Ministry of Culture and Tourism, State Administration of Cultural Heritage, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
文化和旅游部、国家文物局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Culture |
文化 |
Culture, Art, and Tourism |
文化艺术和旅游 |
Public cultural services (not including museum operations) |
公共文化服务(不含开办博物馆) |
Ministry of Culture and Tourism, State Administration of Cultural Heritage, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
文化和旅游部、国家文物局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Culture |
文化 |
Culture, Art, and Tourism |
文化艺术和旅游 |
Protection of cultural relics and intangible cultural heritage (not including protection and restoration of collections and cultural relics) |
文物及非物质文化遗产保护(不含馆藏文物保护修复) |
Ministry of Culture and Tourism, State Administration of Cultural Heritage, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
文化和旅游部、国家文物局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Culture |
文化 |
Culture, Art, and Tourism |
文化艺术和旅游 |
Online cultural services |
网络文化服务 |
Ministry of Culture and Tourism, State Administration of Cultural Heritage, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
文化和旅游部、国家文物局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Culture |
文化 |
Culture, Art, and Tourism |
文化艺术和旅游 |
Cultural creative and design services |
文化创意和设计服务 |
Ministry of Culture and Tourism, State Administration of Cultural Heritage, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
文化和旅游部、国家文物局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Culture |
文化 |
Culture, Art, and Tourism |
文化艺术和旅游 |
Cultural entertainment and recreational services |
文化娱乐休闲服务 |
Ministry of Culture and Tourism, State Administration of Cultural Heritage, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
文化和旅游部、国家文物局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Culture |
文化 |
Culture, Art, and Tourism |
文化艺术和旅游 |
Cultural relics and artwork, and related services |
文物、艺术品及相关服务 |
Ministry of Culture and Tourism, State Administration of Cultural Heritage, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
文化和旅游部、国家文物局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Culture |
文化 |
Culture, Art, and Tourism |
文化艺术和旅游 |
Cultural brokerage agent |
文化经纪代理 |
Ministry of Culture and Tourism, State Administration of Cultural Heritage, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
文化和旅游部、国家文物局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Culture |
文化 |
Culture, Art, and Tourism |
文化艺术和旅游 |
Culture rental services |
文化出租服务 |
Ministry of Culture and Tourism, State Administration of Cultural Heritage, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
文化和旅游部、国家文物局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Culture |
文化 |
Culture, Art, and Tourism |
文化艺术和旅游 |
Cultural exhibition services |
文化会展服务 |
Ministry of Culture and Tourism, State Administration of Cultural Heritage, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
文化和旅游部、国家文物局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Culture |
文化 |
Culture, Art, and Tourism |
文化艺术和旅游 |
Research, exchange, and cooperation on foreign travel |
对外旅游研究、交流与合作 |
Ministry of Culture and Tourism, State Administration of Cultural Heritage, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
文化和旅游部、国家文物局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Culture |
文化 |
Culture, Art, and Tourism |
文化艺术和旅游 |
Exchange and cooperation on international advertising |
国际广告交流与合作 |
State Administration for Market Regulation, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people’s governments |
国家市场监督管理总局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Culture |
文化 |
Radio, Television, and Netcasting |
广播电视和网络视听 |
Communication between radio and television professionals and netcasting program service professionals |
广播电视业务联络和网络视听节目服务业务联络 |
National Radio and Television Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people’s governments |
国家广播电视总局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Culture |
文化 |
Film |
电影 |
Exchange and cooperation on film-related work |
电影工作的交流与合作 |
State Press and Publication Administration, China Film Administration, as well as provincial-level film supervision departments |
国家新闻出版署、国家电影局及省级电影主管部门 |
Culture |
文化 |
News Media |
新闻出版 |
Exchange and cooperation between press and publication-related professional groups |
新闻出版领域行业组织的交流与合作 |
State Press and Publication Administration, as well as provincial-level press and publication supervision departments |
国家新闻出版署及省级新闻出版主管部门 |
Culture |
文化 |
Copyright |
著作权 |
Certification of international copyrights |
涉外著作权认证 |
National Copyright Administration, as well as provincial-level copyright supervision departments |
国家版权局及省级版权主管部门 |
Culture |
文化 |
Copyright |
著作权 |
Research on copyright law and publicity and outreach |
有关著作权法律研究及宣传普及 |
National Copyright Administration, as well as provincial-level copyright supervision departments |
国家版权局及省级版权主管部门 |
Culture |
文化 |
Copyright |
著作权 |
Research and cooperation in copyright-related industries |
著作权相关产业研究及合作 |
National Copyright Administration, as well as provincial-level copyright supervision departments |
国家版权局及省级版权主管部门 |
Culture |
文化 |
Copyright |
著作权 |
Training and capacity-building for copyright professionals |
著作权人才培训和能力建设 |
National Copyright Administration, as well as provincial-level copyright supervision departments |
国家版权局及省级版权主管部门 |
Culture |
文化 |
Copyright |
著作权 |
Copyright protection |
著作权保护 |
National Copyright Administration, as well as provincial-level copyright supervision departments |
国家版权局及省级版权主管部门 |
Health |
卫生 |
Disease Control |
疾病防控 |
Cooperation on prevention and control of AIDS, tuberculosis, and other infectious diseases |
艾滋病、结核病等传染性疾病防治合作 |
National Health Commission, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people’s governments |
国家卫生健康委员会及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Health |
卫生 |
Disease Control |
疾病防控 |
Cooperation on the prevention and treatment of chronic non-communicable diseases |
慢性非传染性疾病防治合作 |
National Health Commission, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people’s governments |
国家卫生健康委员会及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Health |
卫生 |
Public Health |
公共卫生 |
Research and policy consultation on public health policy, planning, and standards |
公共卫生政策、规划、标准的研究和政策咨询 |
National Health Commission, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people’s governments |
国家卫生健康委员会及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Health |
卫生 |
Women and Children's Health |
妇幼健康 |
Technical services, policy consultation, publicity and education, and personnel training in women and children's health and reproductive health |
妇幼健康、生殖健康领域的技术服务、政策咨询、宣传教育、人才培训 |
National Health Commission, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people’s governments |
国家卫生健康委员会及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Health |
卫生 |
Healthy Aging |
健康老龄化 |
Policy consultation, service systems, construction of long-term care system, health education and publicity, and personnel training for healthy aging |
健康老龄化政策咨询、服务体系、长期照护体系建设、健康宣传教育、人才培训 |
National Health Commission, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people’s governments |
国家卫生健康委员会及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Health |
卫生 |
Disease Treatment and Capacity-Raising |
疾病救助与能力提升 |
Treatment and aid for illnesses like cataract, cleft lip and palate, congenital children's heart disease; personnel training and capacity improvement |
白内障、唇腭裂、儿童先心病等疾病的治疗、救助及人才培训、能力提升 |
National Health Commission, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people’s governments |
国家卫生健康委员会及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Health |
卫生 |
Hospital Administration |
医院管理 |
Hospital accreditation, rating of hospital informationization, and other activities related to the certification of medical institutions |
医院评审、医院信息化评级等涉及医疗机构的认证评价活动 |
National Health Commission, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people’s governments |
国家卫生健康委员会及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Health |
卫生 |
Medical Science and Technology Education |
医疗科技教育 |
Technological innovation in health and population fields |
卫生及人口领域科技创新 |
National Health Commission, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people’s governments |
国家卫生健康委员会及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Health |
卫生 |
Medical Science and Technology Education |
医疗科技教育 |
Post-graduate medical education |
毕业后医学教育 |
National Health Commission, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people’s governments |
国家卫生健康委员会及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Health |
卫生 |
Medical Science and Technology Education |
医疗科技教育 |
Personnel training related to continuing medical education |
继续医学教育有关人才培训 |
National Health Commission, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people’s governments |
国家卫生健康委员会及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Health |
卫生 |
Traditional Chinese Medicine |
中医药 |
Exchange, cooperation, and development of traditional Chinese medicine |
中医药相关交流、合作与开发 |
State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
国家中医药管理局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Health |
卫生 |
Drug Control |
药品管理 |
Policy consultation and technical services on oversight and management of drugs, medical instruments, and cosmetics |
药品、医疗器械、化妆品监督管理的政策咨询和技术服务 |
National Medical Products Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people’s governments |
国家药品监督管理局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Health |
卫生 |
Foodstuffs |
食品 |
Policy consultation, cooperation, and research on foodstuffs safety management |
食品安全监管政策咨询与合作研究 |
State Administration for Market Regulation, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people’s governments |
国家市场监督管理总局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Sport |
体育 |
Sports-related competitions and activities |
体育相关赛事及活动 |
General Administration of Sport, as well as relevant departments of provincial people's governments |
国家体育总局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Sport |
体育 |
Sports industry exchange and cooperation |
体育产业交流合作 |
General Administration of Sport, as well as relevant departments of provincial people's governments |
国家体育总局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Sport |
体育 |
Exchange and cooperation on sports culture and news |
体育文化及体育新闻交流合作 |
General Administration of Sport, as well as relevant departments of provincial people's governments |
国家体育总局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Sport |
体育 |
Physical education research and academic activities |
体育教育科研学术活动 |
General Administration of Sport, as well as relevant departments of provincial people's governments |
国家体育总局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Sport |
体育 |
Anti-doping exchange and cooperation |
反兴奋剂交流合作 |
General Administration of Sport, as well as relevant departments of provincial people's governments |
国家体育总局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Sport |
体育 |
School sporting competitions and activities |
学校体育赛事及活动 |
Ministry of Education, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
教育部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Sport |
体育 |
Other sport-related affairs |
其他体育类事项 |
General Administration of Sport, as well as relevant departments of provincial people's governments |
国家体育总局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Climate Change |
气候变化 |
Research, exchange, and cooperation on climate change |
气候变化研究、交流与合作 |
Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Ministry of Natural Resources, China Meteorological Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
生态环境部、自然资源部、中国气象局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Biodiversity Conservation |
生物多样性保护 |
Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, National Forestry and Grassland Administration, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Ministry of Natural Resources, as well as relevant departments
of provincial people’s governments |
生态环境部、住房城乡建设部、国家林业和草原局、农业农村部、自然资源部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Marine Conservation |
海洋保护 |
Marine environmental protection |
海洋环境保护 |
Ministry of Ecology and Environment, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
生态环境部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Marine Conservation |
海洋保护 |
Marine conservation-related science and technology |
海洋保护相关科技 |
Ministry of Natural Resources, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
自然资源部、生态环境部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Marine Conservation |
海洋保护 |
Marine disaster prevention and mitigation |
海洋防灾减灾 |
Ministry of Natural Resources, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
自然资源部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Ecological Restoration |
生态修复 |
Research, exchange, and cooperation on technology and standards to protect and restore natural ecosystems |
山水林田湖草系统保护修复技术、标准、研究交流与合作 |
Ministry of Natural Resources, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
自然资源部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Ecological Restoration |
生态修复 |
Research, exchange, and cooperation on technology and standards to restore ecosystems affected by mining |
矿山生态修复技术、标准、研究交流与合作 |
Ministry of Natural Resources, as well as relevant departments of provincial people's governments |
自然资源部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Ecological Restoration |
生态修复 |
Research, exchange, and cooperation on technology and standards to restore marine ecosystems |
海洋生态修复技术、标准、研究交流与合作 |
Ministry of Natural Resources, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
自然资源部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Forestry Development |
林业发展 |
Land afforestation |
国土绿化 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Forestry Development |
林业发展 |
Forestry and grassland response to climate change |
林业和草原应对气候变化 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Forestry Development |
林业发展 |
Forestry industry going global |
林业走出去 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Forestry Development |
林业发展 |
Cooperation and exchange related to forest and grassland science and technology |
林草科学技术合作与交流 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Forest Industry Reform |
林业改革 |
National forest area reform |
国有林区改革 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Forest Industry Reform |
林业改革 |
National forest station reform |
国有林场改革 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Forest Industry Reform |
林业改革 |
Collective forest rights system reform |
集体林权制度改革 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Forest Industry Reform |
林业改革 |
National park system reform |
国家公园体制改革 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Forest Industry Reform |
林业改革 |
Other forestry reform |
其他林业改革 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Forest Industry Development |
林业产业发展 |
Primary industry, including forest resource cultivation |
森林资源培育等第一产业 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Forest Industry Development |
林业产业发展 |
Secondary industry, including wood product processing |
林产品加工等第二产业 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Forest Industry Development |
林业产业发展 |
Tertiary industry, including tourism and forest health |
森林旅游和森林康养等第三产业 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Grasslands Ecological Protection |
草原生态保护 |
Capacity-building for grasslands resources protection |
草原资源保护能力建设 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Grasslands Ecological Protection |
草原生态保护 |
Sustainable use of grasslands |
草原可持续利用 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Grasslands Ecological Protection |
草原生态保护 |
Promoting and modelling grasslands resources restoration technology |
草原资源修复技术推广及示范 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Grasslands Ecological Protection |
草原生态保护 |
Publicity, education, and public participation related to grasslands |
草原宣传教育与公众参与 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Protection of Forest Resources |
森林资源保护 |
Ideology and models for state-owned forestry farms management of forest resources |
国有林场森林资源经营理念与模式 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Protection of Forest Resources |
森林资源保护 |
Oversight of state-owned forest farms' forest resources |
国有林场森林资源监管 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Protection of Forest Resources |
森林资源保护 |
Mangrove forest preservation and recovery and restoration of their ecosystems |
红树林保护与其生态系统功能的恢复与修复 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Protection of Forest Resources |
森林资源保护 |
Sustainable forest management |
森林可持续经营管理 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Protection of Forest Resources |
森林资源保护 |
Application and promotion of China’s forest certification standards |
中国森林认证标准应用与推广 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Protection of Forest Resources |
森林资源保护 |
Appraisal of forest ecosystems and their ecosystem functions |
森林生态系统及其生态系统功能评估 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Protection of Forest Resources |
森林资源保护 |
Forest ecological system protection and restoration administration |
森林生态系统保护与修复管理 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Wetlands Protection |
湿地保护 |
Design concepts for international wetland conservation policies, guidelines, and plans |
湿地保护政策、指南、规划的设计理念 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Wetlands Protection |
湿地保护 |
Capacity-building for wetland protections |
湿地保护能力建设 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Wetlands Protection |
湿地保护 |
Reasonable use of wetlands |
湿地合理利用 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Wetlands Protection |
湿地保护 |
Publicity, education, and public participation on wetlands |
湿地宣传教育与公众参与 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Wetlands Protection |
湿地保护 |
Promotion and demonstration of wetland restoration techniques |
湿地恢复技术推广及示范 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Wildlife and Wildlife Habitat Conservation |
野生动植物及其栖息地保护 |
Wildlife rescue and breeding |
野生动植物救护与繁育 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Wildlife and Wildlife Habitat Conservation |
野生动植物及其栖息地保护 |
Basic capacity-building for wildlife and wildlife habitat conservation |
野生动植物及其栖息地保护基层能力建设 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Wildlife and Wildlife Habitat Conservation |
野生动植物及其栖息地保护 |
Publicity and public education on wildlife and wildlife habitat conservation |
野生动植物及其栖息地保护公共宣传和教育 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Wildlife and Wildlife Habitat Conservation |
野生动植物及其栖息地保护 |
Capacity building, publicity and education, and technical support in combating illegal trade in wild plants and animals |
打击野生动植物非法贸易能力建设、宣传教育、技术支持 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Wildlife and Wildlife Habitat Conservation |
野生动植物及其栖息地保护 |
Providing scientific consultation and policy suggestions |
提供科学咨询和政策建议 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Desertification Prevention and Remediation |
荒漠化防治 |
Investigation and appraisal of the monitoring of desertification and desert ecosystems |
荒漠化监测与荒漠生态系统的调查评估 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Desertification Prevention and Remediation |
荒漠化防治 |
Public outreach and education on the prevention of desertification |
荒漠化防治的公共宣传与教育 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Desertification Prevention and Remediation |
荒漠化防治 |
Scientific research on protecting and restoring areas affected by desertification |
荒漠化土地保护和修复领域的科学研究 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Desertification Prevention and Remediation |
荒漠化防治 |
Publicity and promotion of international policies, guidelines, and plans on preventing desertification and erosion |
国际荒漠化、土地退化防治与生态保护政策、指南、规划的宣传与推广 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Desertification Prevention and Remediation |
荒漠化防治 |
Cooperation on cross-border sandstorm monitoring, early warnings and governance |
跨境沙尘暴监测、预警与治理的合作 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Desertification Prevention and Remediation |
荒漠化防治 |
Community participation and community-building around protecting and utilizing desert vegetation |
沙区植被保护与利用的社区参与共建 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Construction of Preserves, National Parks, Scenic Spots [Tourist Attractions], Forest Parks, and Geological Parks |
保护区、国家公园、风景名胜区、森林公园、地质公园建设 |
Public education and community-building in nature preserves |
自然保护区公众教育与社区共建 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局、生态环境部、住房城乡建设部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Construction of Preserves, National Parks, Scenic Spots [Tourist Attractions], Forest Parks, and Geological Parks |
保护区、国家公园、风景名胜区、森林公园、地质公园建设 |
Ecological tourism in nature preserves |
自然保护区生态旅游 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局、生态环境部、住房城乡建设部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Construction of Preserves, National Parks, Scenic Spots [Tourist Attractions], Forest Parks, and Geological Parks |
保护区、国家公园、风景名胜区、森林公园、地质公园建设 |
Scientific research in nature preserves (limited to experimental areas) |
自然保护区科学研究(限实验区) |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局、生态环境部、住房城乡建设部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Construction of Preserves, National Parks, Scenic Spots [Tourist Attractions], Forest Parks, and Geological Parks |
保护区、国家公园、风景名胜区、森林公园、地质公园建设 |
Monitoring patrols in nature preserves (limited to experimental areas) |
自然保护区监测巡护(限实验区) |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局、生态环境部、住房城乡建设部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Construction of Preserves, National Parks, Scenic Spots [Tourist Attractions], Forest Parks, and Geological Parks |
保护区、国家公园、风景名胜区、森林公园、地质公园建设 |
Protection and use of tourist attractions |
风景名胜区保护和利用 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局、生态环境部、住房城乡建设部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Construction of Preserves, National Parks, Scenic Spots [Tourist Attractions], Forest Parks, and Geological Parks |
保护区、国家公园、风景名胜区、森林公园、地质公园建设 |
Planning, construction, and management of tourist attractions |
风景名胜区规划、建设和管理 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, as well as relevant departments of provincial people'’s governments |
国家林业和草原局、生态环境部、住房城乡建设部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Construction of Preserves, National Parks, Scenic Spots [Tourist Attractions], Forest Parks, and Geological Parks |
保护区、国家公园、风景名胜区、森林公园、地质公园建设 |
Construction and management of forest parks, and capacity building |
森林公园建设与管理、能力建设 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局、生态环境部、住房城乡建设部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Construction of Preserves, National Parks, Scenic Spots [Tourist Attractions], Forest Parks, and Geological Parks |
保护区、国家公园、风景名胜区、森林公园、地质公园建设 |
Research on state and community joint management of national parks and franchising |
国家公园社区共管与特许经营研究 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局、生态环境部、住房城乡建设部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Construction of Preserves, National Parks, Scenic Spots [Tourist Attractions], Forest Parks, and Geological Parks |
保护区、国家公园、风景名胜区、森林公园、地质公园建设 |
National park publicity and education |
国家公园宣传教育 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局、生态环境部、住房城乡建设部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Construction of Preserves, National Parks, Scenic Spots [Tourist Attractions], Forest Parks, and Geological Parks |
保护区、国家公园、风景名胜区、森林公园、地质公园建设 |
Research on national park legislation |
国家公园立法研究 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局、生态环境部、住房城乡建设部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Construction of Preserves, National Parks, Scenic Spots [Tourist Attractions], Forest Parks, and Geological Parks |
保护区、国家公园、风景名胜区、森林公园、地质公园建设 |
Research on national park community participation mechanisms |
国家公园社会参与机制研究 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局、生态环境部、住房城乡建设部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Construction of Preserves, National Parks, Scenic Spots [Tourist Attractions], Forest Parks, and Geological Parks |
保护区、国家公园、风景名胜区、森林公园、地质公园建设 |
National park planning and administration |
国家公园规划管理 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局、生态环境部、住房城乡建设部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Construction of Preserves, National Parks, Scenic Spots [Tourist Attractions], Forest Parks, and Geological Parks |
保护区、国家公园、风景名胜区、森林公园、地质公园建设 |
Building a national park standards system |
国家公园标准体系建设 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局、生态环境部、住房城乡建设部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Construction of Preserves, National Parks, Scenic Spots [Tourist Attractions], Forest Parks, and Geological Parks |
保护区、国家公园、风景名胜区、森林公园、地质公园建设 |
Natural heritage protection, planning, construction, and management |
自然遗产保护、规划、建设和管理 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Construction of Preserves, National Parks, Scenic Spots [Tourist Attractions], Forest Parks, and Geological Parks |
保护区、国家公园、风景名胜区、森林公园、地质公园建设 |
Public education and joint community management of special marine protection areas (marine parks) |
海洋特别保护区(海洋公园)公众教育与社区共管 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Construction of Preserves, National Parks, Scenic Spots [Tourist Attractions], Forest Parks, and Geological Parks |
保护区、国家公园、风景名胜区、森林公园、地质公园建设 |
Special marine protection areas (marine parks) ecotourism |
海洋特别保护区(海洋公园)生态旅游 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Construction of Preserves, National Parks, Scenic Spots [Tourist Attractions], Forest Parks, and Geological Parks |
保护区、国家公园、风景名胜区、森林公园、地质公园建设 |
Scientific research on special marine protection areas (marine parks) (limited to moderate use areas) |
海洋特别保护区(海洋公园)科学研究(限适度利用区) |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Construction of Preserves, National Parks, Scenic Spots [Tourist Attractions], Forest Parks, and Geological Parks |
保护区、国家公园、风景名胜区、森林公园、地质公园建设 |
Monitoring patrols in special marine protection areas (marine parks) (limited to moderate use areas) |
海洋特别保护区(海洋公园)监测巡护(限适度利用区) |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Construction of Preserves, National Parks, Scenic Spots [Tourist Attractions], Forest Parks, and Geological Parks |
保护区、国家公园、风景名胜区、森林公园、地质公园建设 |
Construction, management, scientific research, and popularization of geological parks as well as cooperation related to their sustainable development |
地质公园建设、管理、科研科普与可持续发展合作 |
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
国家林业和草原局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Pollution Prevention and Remediation |
污染防治 |
Water pollution prevention |
水污染防治 |
Ministry of Ecology and Environment, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
生态环境部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Pollution Prevention and Remediation |
污染防治 |
Atmospheric pollution prevention |
大气污染防治 |
Ministry of Ecology and Environment, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
生态环境部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Pollution Prevention and Remediation |
污染防治 |
Soil pollution prevention |
土壤污染防治 |
Ministry of Ecology and Environment, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
生态环境部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Pollution Prevention and Remediation |
污染防治 |
Noise and light pollution prevention |
噪音和光污染防治 |
Ministry of Ecology and Environment, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
生态环境部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Pollution Prevention and Remediation |
污染防治 |
Ecological and environmental monitoring |
生态环境监测 |
Ministry of Ecology and Environment, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
生态环境部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Pollution Prevention and Remediation |
污染防治 |
Ecological and environmental legislation and enforcement |
生态环境立法和执法 |
Ministry of Ecology and Environment, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
生态环境部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Pollution Prevention and Remediation |
污染防治 |
Emergency response and handling of sudden ecological and environmental incidents |
突发生态环境事件应急 |
Ministry of Ecology and Environment, as well as relevant departments of provincial people's governments |
生态环境部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Pollution Prevention and Remediation |
污染防治 |
Publicity and education on the ecology and environment |
生态环境宣传教育 |
Ministry of Ecology and Environment, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
生态环境部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
River Basin Ecological Protection |
流域生态环境保护 |
Ministry of Ecology and Environment, as well as relevant departments of provincial people’s governments |
生态环境部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Environment |
环保 |
Meteorological Operations and Services |
气象业务和服务 |
Exchange and cooperation on meteorological observation, forecasting, services, and consultation |
气象观测、预报、服务、咨询交流与合作 |
China Meteorological Administration, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
中国气象局及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Poverty and Disaster Relief, and Related Areas |
济困、救灾等方面 |
Social Assistance |
社会救助 |
Research and exchange on social assistance policy |
社会救助政策研究及交流 |
Ministry of Civil Affairs, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
民政部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Poverty and Disaster Relief, and Related Areas |
济困、救灾等方面 |
Social Assistance |
社会救助 |
Assistance in individual cases of targets of social assistance |
社会救助对象个案救助 |
Ministry of Civil Affairs, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
民政部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Poverty and Disaster Relief, and Related Areas |
济困、救灾等方面 |
Social Assistance |
社会救助 |
Training of professional talent for social assistance |
社会救助专业人才培训 |
Ministry of Civil Affairs, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
民政部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Poverty and Disaster Relief, and Related Areas |
济困、救灾等方面 |
Social Assistance |
社会救助 |
Auxiliary work such as organizational implementation in social assistance |
社会救助的组织实施等辅助性工作 |
Ministry of Civil Affairs, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
民政部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Poverty and Disaster Relief, and Related Areas |
济困、救灾等方面 |
Social Welfare |
社会福利 |
Research, planning, and consulting on social welfare policy |
社会福利政策研究、规划、咨询 |
Ministry of Civil Affairs, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
民政部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Poverty and Disaster Relief, and Related Areas |
济困、救灾等方面 |
Social Welfare |
社会福利 |
Development of charities |
慈善事业发展 |
Ministry of Civil Affairs, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
民政部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Poverty and Disaster Relief, and Related Areas |
济困、救灾等方面 |
Social Welfare |
社会福利 |
Development of eldercare services industry |
养老服务业发展 |
Ministry of Civil Affairs, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
民政部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Poverty and Disaster Relief, and Related Areas |
济困、救灾等方面 |
Social Affairs and Social Work |
社会事务及社会工作 |
Community governance and community service |
社区治理与社区服务 |
Ministry of Civil Affairs, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
民政部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Poverty and Disaster Relief, and Related Areas |
济困、救灾等方面 |
Social Affairs and Social Work |
社会事务及社会工作 |
Social work |
社会工作 |
Ministry of Civil Affairs, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
民政部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Poverty and Disaster Relief, and Related Areas |
济困、救灾等方面 |
Social Affairs and Social Work |
社会事务及社会工作 |
Volunteer service |
志愿服务 |
Ministry of Civil Affairs, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
民政部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Poverty and Disaster Relief, and Related Areas |
济困、救灾等方面 |
Social Affairs and Social Work |
社会事务及社会工作 |
Protection of minors |
未成年人保护 |
Ministry of Civil Affairs, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
民政部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Poverty and Disaster Relief, and Related Areas |
济困、救灾等方面 |
Social Affairs and Social Work |
社会事务及社会工作 |
Development of child welfare |
儿童福利事业发展 |
Ministry of Civil Affairs, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
民政部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Poverty and Disaster Relief, and Related Areas |
济困、救灾等方面 |
Disaster Prevention, Disaster Reduction, Disaster Relief |
防灾、减灾、救灾 |
Publicity on disaster prevention, reduction, and relief; technical training |
防灾减灾救灾知识宣传和技能培训 |
Ministry of Emergency Management, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people’s governments |
应急管理部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Poverty and Disaster Relief, and Related Areas |
济困、救灾等方面 |
Disaster Prevention, Disaster Reduction, Disaster Relief |
防灾、减灾、救灾 |
Donation of goods and money |
款物捐赠 |
Ministry of Emergency Management, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people’s governments |
应急管理部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Poverty and Disaster Relief, and Related Areas |
济困、救灾等方面 |
Disaster Prevention, Disaster Reduction, Disaster Relief |
防灾、减灾、救灾 |
International exchange and cooperation |
国际交流与合作 |
Ministry of Emergency Management, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people’s governments |
应急管理部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Poverty and Disaster Relief, and Related Areas |
济困、救灾等方面 |
Poverty Alleviation and Reduction |
扶贫减贫 |
State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development, State Ethnic Affairs Commission, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people’s governments |
国务院扶贫办、国家民族事务委员会及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Poverty and Disaster Relief, and Related Areas |
济困、救灾等方面 |
Work with Persons with Disabilities |
残疾人工作 |
Rehabilitation of disabled persons |
残疾人康复 |
China Disabled Persons’ Federation, Ministry of Civil Affairs, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments and provincial-level disabled persons’ federations |
中国残疾人联合会、民政部、人力资源社会保障部及省级人民政府主管部门和省级残联 |
Poverty and Disaster Relief, and Related Areas |
济困、救灾等方面 |
Work with Persons with Disabilities |
残疾人工作 |
Employment of disabled persons |
残疾人就业 |
China Disabled Persons’ Federation, Ministry of Civil Affairs, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments and provincial-level disabled persons’ federations |
中国残疾人联合会、民政部、人力资源社会保障部及省级人民政府主管部门和省级残联 |
Poverty and Disaster Relief, and Related Areas |
济困、救灾等方面 |
Work with Persons with Disabilities |
残疾人工作 |
Financial supports for disabled persons |
残疾人扶贫 |
China Disabled Persons’ Federation, Ministry of Civil Affairs, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments and provincial-level disabled persons’ federations |
中国残疾人联合会、民政部、人力资源社会保障部及省级人民政府主管部门和省级残联 |
Poverty and Disaster Relief, and Related Areas |
济困、救灾等方面 |
Work with Persons with Disabilities |
残疾人工作 |
Safeguards for disabled people's rights and interests |
残疾人权益保障 |
China Disabled Persons’ Federation, Ministry of Civil Affairs, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments and provincial-level disabled persons’ federations |
中国残疾人联合会、民政部、人力资源社会保障部及省级人民政府主管部门和省级残联 |
Poverty and Disaster Relief, and Related Areas |
济困、救灾等方面 |
Work with Persons with Disabilities |
残疾人工作 |
Education for persons with disabilities |
残疾人教育 |
China Disabled Persons’ Federation, Ministry of Civil Affairs, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments and provincial-level disabled persons’ federations |
中国残疾人联合会、民政部、人力资源社会保障部及省级人民政府主管部门和省级残联 |
Poverty and Disaster Relief, and Related Areas |
济困、救灾等方面 |
Work with Persons with Disabilities |
残疾人工作 |
Cultural and sports of persons with disabilities |
残疾人文化体育 |
China Disabled Persons’ Federation, Ministry of Civil Affairs, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments and provincial-level disabled persons’ federations |
中国残疾人联合会、民政部、人力资源社会保障部及省级人民政府主管部门和省级残联 |
Other |
其他 |
Legal Work and Exchange |
法律工作交流 |
Administration of and capacity-building for lawyers |
律师管理和能力提升 |
Ministry of Justice, as well as judicial administrative departments of provincial-level people's governments |
司法部及省级人民政府司法行政主管部门 |
Other |
其他 |
Legal Work and Exchange |
法律工作交流 |
Legal aid |
法律援助 |
Ministry of Justice, as well as judicial administrative departments of provincial-level people's governments |
Other |
其他 |
Legal Work and Exchange |
法律工作交流 |
People's Mediation |
人民调解 |
Ministry of Justice, as well as judicial administrative departments of provincial-level people's governments |
Other |
其他 |
Legal Work and Exchange |
法律工作交流 |
Publicity and education services for Governance in Accordance with Law |
法治宣传教育服务 |
Ministry of Justice, as well as judicial administrative departments of provincial-level people's governments |
Other |
其他 |
Women's Development and Gender Equality |
妇女发展和性别平等 |
Gender equality |
性别平等 |
All-China Women’s Federation, as well as provincial-level women's federations |
中华全国妇女联合会及省级妇联 |
Other |
其他 |
Women's Development and Gender Equality |
妇女发展和性别平等 |
Women's development |
妇女发展 |
All-China Women’s Federation, as well as provincial-level women's federations |
中华全国妇女联合会及省级妇联 |
Other |
其他 |
Trade Union Work |
工会工作 |
Research, exchange, and cooperative activities related to trade unions |
工会研究交流合作活动 |
All-China Federation of Trade Unions, as well as provincial-level trade unions |
中华全国总工会及省级工会 |
Other |
其他 |
Research, exchange, and Cooperation on Social Organizations |
社会组织研究、交流与合作 |
Research on the administration of social organizations |
社会组织管理研究 |
Ministry of Civil Affairs, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
民政部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Other |
其他 |
Research, exchange, and Cooperation on Social Organizations |
Exchange and cooperation on the administration of social organizations |
社会组织管理交流与合作 |
Ministry of Civil Affairs, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
民政部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Other |
其他 |
Friendship and Exchange with Foreign Countries |
对外友好交流 |
Communist Party Central Committee International Liaison Department, Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries |
中共中央对外联络部、中国人民对外友好协会 |
Other |
其他 |
Exchange with Overseas Chinese |
侨务领域交流 |
International networking activities held in China for overseas Chinese |
在境内举办华侨华人国际性联谊活动 |
Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people's governments |
国务院侨办及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Other |
其他 |
Exchange with Overseas Chinese |
侨务领域交流 |
All China-Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese |
中国侨联及省级侨联 |
Other |
其他 |
Human Resources and Social Security Safeguards |
人力资源和社会保障 |
Research on human resources and social security policy |
人力资源与社会保障政策研究 |
Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people’s governments |
人力资源社会保障部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Other |
其他 |
Human Resources and Social Security Safeguards |
人力资源和社会保障 |
Public employment planning and policy research and consulting services |
公共就业规划和政策研究、咨询服务 |
Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people’s governments |
人力资源社会保障部及省级人民政府主管部门 |
Other |
其他 |
Human Resources and Social Security Safeguards |
人力资源和社会保障 |
Research, exchange, and cooperation on the movement of natural persons |
自然人移动研究、交流与合作 |
Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, as well as relevant departments of provincial-level people’s governments |
人力资源社会保障部及省级人民政府主管部门 |